Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Daniel R. Gould

Overleden op: 18-02-2017
      A farewell meeting for Daniel will be held on Tuesday, February 28, at 9:45 AM, in
      Uitvaartcentrum Zuid, Fred. Roeskestraat 91, (1076 EC) Amsterdam
      teleph. 020 - 646 0606
      ( map of the area : http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.3411&mlon=4.8648#map=16/52.3411/4.8648 )

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      • Een kleurrijk en Flamboyante man..
        reactie 14   |   niet OK
        Wat spijtig om te lezen dat Daniel Gould overleden is. Ik vroeg me af waarom ik hem al een hele tijd niet meer had gezien bij openingen en bij de OBA in Oud West waar hij altijd zijn kranten las. Om die reden ging ik hem googlen en las dus tot mijn spijt dat hij helaas niet meer onder ons verkeerd. Door de geboorte van mijn zoon was ik zelf ook minder 'out and about' in Amsterdam. Hij is een enkele keer bij mij op visite geweest en heeft nog een verjaardag met me gevierd in het Vondelpark . Hij kon mij altijd vreselijk aan het lachen maken en ik had menig interessante conversatie met hem. To end with one of his sentences; Ah, the art world...inhabited by strange characters of which I count myself as one....
        Vaarwel Daniel...

        Kerlin - Amsterdam
        25 april 2019

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      • Nagelaten werken van Daniel Gould
        reactie 13   |   niet OK
        Daniel Gould schreef, behalve zijn 3D List, hele series over bepaalde onderwerpen, vaak in dialoog met anderen. Het ging daarbij over onder andere: Happiness, Obama, Guns en On God.
        Zie: https://ifthenisnow.eu/nl/artikelen/happiness-16
        Daarnaast schreef hij een novel over Mondriaan:
        Dat wordt nog wel eens gepubliceerd.

        Walter - Den Haag
        3 december 2017

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      • charmant doch ook een beetje vaag
        reactie 12   |   niet OK
        Jaren lang ontmoette ik Daniel op openingen.Altijd charmant doch zijn existentie bleef voor mij vaag.

        Cees A.A. - Amsterdam
        5 juni 2017

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      • Last farewell Dan Daniel Danny
        reactie 11   |   niet OK

        Larry-Stephan - Overveen
        28 februari 2017

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      • Daniel, Dan & Danny - 3D
        reactie 10   |   niet OK
        I first met Dan on Saturday 13th October 1993 at the opening of an exhibition at Hof and Huyser Gallery which was at that time was on the Brouwersgracht. On that occasion the works of Toon Kuypers and Frank Voet were on display.

        I live in England, near London, and Dan sometimes referred to me as the eccentric Englishman who comes to Amsterdam to see the art.

        During the 90s and the 00s I visited Amsterdam on numerous occasions and I would nearly always run into Dan somewhere along the weekend trail of Gallery openings. Over the years I had some great conversations with him and shared many jokes. He immersed himself in all aspects of the art and cultural side of Amsterdam. It was clear there was no other place he would rather live. A fluent and sociable man, it was not just art but books and politics that interested him. His weekly 3D list was essential reading before he set up his own blog. More recently he has conducted tours of the galleries for visitors to Amsterdam and his e-book was published towards the end of 2016.

        Dan’s weekly fast on Mondays kept him looking fit and healthy. I tried to follow it for awhile but he reprimanded me for including orange juice, which contains sugar.

        In June 2008 Dan had a major health issue from which he may well not have recovered were it not for the dedication of the medical team and his own inner strength. He told me afterwards “Years of running and bike riding paid off”.

        The last time I saw Dan was on Tuesday 11th June 2013 at the City Archives in Vijzelstraat. He was hoping to get to the Harings Festival but it was postponed because of the late season. He guessed my next visit to Amsterdam might be in 3 years from then but intimated not to leave it too long as he might not live for ever. I told him I still hoped to see him going strong when he was 96! It is sad that he passed away at a relatively young age when he offered so much to the art fraternity.

        Paul - England
        26 februari 2017

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      • Foto
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        Quiny - Amstelveen
        24 februari 2017

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      • World's Most Loveable Man
        reactie 8   |   niet OK

        In 1970, I was just a 20 year old girl in St Louis who fell in love with Dan Gould. He was both larger than life and yet a quietly intimate, caring friend.

        We discussed books, met with writers, bought art in Quebec, had the most delicious meals in cities all over the east coast. He took me to Prince Edward Island. He gave me intricate vintage jewelry and beaded handbags from 1904, He bought me uniquely beautiful bohemian clothes in Philadelphia. He stole a large low hanging teardrop crystal from the chandelier of the Delmonico Hotel in New York. He wore modern three-piece suits with his blonde hair long and flowing. I wore stylish (I guess) hot pants and long brown suede lace-up boots to my corporate job. I was nearly 6 ft tall in heels, lots of redhair, and Dan was 5'10. We were a pair and we were in love, joyously.

        We read the newspapers every Sunday morning he was in Chicago and he always made breakfast...canadian ham, biscuits with apricot jam, scrambled eggs with cream cheese and hot, dark, bold coffee in a carafe.
        He was an exquisite, passionate lover with whom I would have gone anywhere had he asked...and he did, but not soon enough, I guess. So I fled him, literally, and ended up with a new life in California. A new life!?? I was just a young girl.

        Ten months later, Dan found me, sent a letter asking me to come to him. He had just moved to the Netherlands and his letter included a one-way plane ticket to Amsterdam. I was already pregnant, in love with a young boy, and happy in California. I let him get away... the most lovable man on earth.

        We lost track of each other for 40 years but, then, found each other on Facebook in 2010. Just little notes back and forth by FB and email. Both older with health issues now. Me in St Louis, happy with my bulldog Cookie and the current man with whom I have shared a life for 12 years...and Dan, always with many beautiful women...but still I always daydreamed about Dan.

        And here I am now,awake in the middle of the night sobbing quietly to remember that he lived to see his beloved Chicago Cubs baseball team actually win the World Series.

        I will search for Dan forever, in spirit, or in life after death, if there is such a thing. It is very different today, right now, to live in a world without Dan Gould. This is my first day doing so. Others have died and I suppose I will bear this death, too. I am not sure.

        Who knew that one day a person could be 20 years old and, in the blink of an eye, she is nearly 70 years old mourning a lover she has not seen since he was 32 years old.

        Hennessy Cognac I raise in salute to Daniel Gould...I would have taken good care of him to the end.

        Cherie - United States
        22 februari 2017

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      • Dat Daniel moge ruste in vrede
        reactie 7   |   niet OK

        Jan - Amstelveen
        21 februari 2017

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      • R.i.p Daniel
        reactie 6   |   niet OK
        Altijd liep hij van opening naar opening om de kunst te beschrijven met een positieve blik en pen. Hij kwam vaak over als een eenzaam figuur die rond doolde in de kunstwereld waar velen hem kende van gezicht. Een bijzondere man.

        Cees - Hoorn/St.Tropez
        19 februari 2017

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      • Goodbye Daniel
        reactie 5   |   niet OK
        Ik kwam je altijd tegen als er mooie kunst te zien was, waar je altijd onopvallend aanwezig je aantekeningen maakte en opmerkingen noteerde. We bespraken vaak wat we zagen of juist wilden zien, jij met mild sarcasme.
        Rust in vrede kunstvriend.

        Kris - Amsterdam
        19 februari 2017

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