Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

James K. Jacob

      With grief and tragedy the BRACE team has to announce the loss of a colleague and the passing away of a friend, James K. Jacob. James has been involved in a severe road accident on Sunday morning the 23rd of June 2013. He has died on Friday July 5th at 00.01 hour. The doctors ended the respiration aid and took James off all further medical machines. James silently and peacefully left his life shortly afterwards.

      The BRACE Team met James firstly in 2009 at the TU/e. Just before his graduation in 2012 close contacts grew in the initial meetings and it was soon decided he had what it takes to become a Full BRACE member; Automotive Knowledge, Motivation & Personality. During his time within the BRACE team he was known for his positive approach, thoughtful and balanced remarks and his sense of humor. Besides his professional attitude he enjoyed watching movies, meeting up with friends and wrote inspiring poetry.
      James leaves a gap in the hearts and minds of the BRACE Team and vivid memories of a young Engineer and friend will be kept for a long time to come.

      May your soul find rest, you will be missed.

      The BRACE Automotive Team

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