Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

John Warman

      John passed away peacefully in the early morning of the 7th of October 2020.
      The family has now buried his ashes in Jaffa Cemetery in Delft, the city that was our home for 50 years. The cemetery is near to the university institute that played such an important role in John’s life. This website serves as a place to come together and remember his life by sharing thoughts, memories, images and music.

      For those of you who are seeing this website for the first time, and/or who do not read Dutch, here are a few tips for exploring it. Under ‘reacties’ you will find notices posted by the family plus messages of remembrance and condolence. Scroll to the bottom for the page numbers. Page 4 contains Peter’s initial announcement of John’s death plus Marilyn’s account of his final year. Page 3 includes the slide show Peter and Andrea presented at John’s 65th birthday, entitled ‘What does your daddy do?’. And on page 8 you will find the presentation John himself gave at his 80th birthday party: 55 slides that tell his life story.

      If you wish to post a message yourself, click on the green box ‘woorden’.

      Voeg uw reactie of herinnering toe met:

      Tips over condoleren of herinneringen delen?

      • Jaffa in Delft: John's Final Resting Place
        reactie 80   |   niet OK

        From the 7th of October this year, exactly twelve months after John passed away, his ashes will be buried in Delft. We could not wish for a better location than at Jaffa cemetery. It is located within the Delft Technical University premises but accessible for everyone. For people who want to pay a visit after 7th of October: the location is close to the entrance, "urn grave" 11.

        Peter - Amsterdam
        20 september 2021

        Deel deze pagina:

      • Long time no seen
        reactie 79   |   niet OK
        Dear John,
        I missed the previous get-together you had organized with Marilyn at your place. I enjoyed these a lot!
        I wasn't always easy for us to work together, and I hope it was still clear that I valued your comments and guidance.
        Veel sterkte to your family and farewell, alessia

        Alessia - Mechelen
        12 november 2020

        Deel deze pagina:

      • Scientific article dedicated to my dad
        reactie 78   |   niet OK

        I remember how excited my father would be if one of his articles got published in Nature of Advanced Materials. Now a recent article published by "science friends" of my dad has been dedicated to him. What a great tribute. Thanks!

        Peter - Amsterdam
        31 oktober 2020

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      • My father's dear friend
        reactie 77   |   niet OK
        John was one of my father's best friends, and I have many fond memories of John through their friendship. My father, Irwin Taub, was also a chemist, and when I was a boy John used to visit us annually just prior to attending the Gordon Research Conference in New Hampshire. John struck me as a super-cool guy, and my dad (and I) really looked forward to his visits. John always asked me about my interests, and he was sincere about hearing my responses and perspectives -- he always had something funny and introspective to add. My impression in those days, as a boy, was that many of my dad's friends were very smart and interesting, but most of them were quite serious people. John fell into the category of someone smart, and certainly interesting, but also very funny -- he brought out a sense of humor in my father that I didn't often get to see. In the mid-90s we arranged to all meet in Delft, at the time of a scientific conference (for them) and visits to Europe (myself, my sister) and we had an amazing time. It was only a few days, but we spent a lot of time together and had an authentic Dutch experience with the Warman family as our gracious hosts. I'll never forget this wonderful experience, and I think of it often when I remember my father and want to think about the good times we shared. I'm saddened to hear of John's passing, and wish the rest of the family strength during this difficult time. My father had a true friend in John, and that friendship was indeed cherished and reciprocated.

        Mitchell - New Milford, CT, USA
        20 oktober 2020

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      • My COOL brother-in-law
        reactie 76   |   niet OK
        I was just 12 years old when my sister Marilyn told me she was dating a guy from ENGLAND! It was around 1965, and the Beatles were my heart-throbs. Long hair and a British accent were enough to send me into pre-teen ecstasy. Imagine my delight when I was able to fly, all by myself, to Pittsburgh meet this wonderful John Warman. John was MUCH BETTER than a Beatle.....he was funny, smart, engaging, and I could tell he loved my sister. I was delighted to be a 13 year old bridesmaid, and it was incredibly cool that John's friend played bagpipes at the wedding. John was the best brother-in-law a girl could ask for!

        Fast forward over the 50 years, seeing John embrace his roles as father, husband, scientist, loyal friend, and loving grandpa. It has been wonderful having John in our family. May the road rise up to meet John, may the sun shine warm upon his face, may the rain fall soft upon his fields, and may God hold him in the palm of his hand.

        Loving and Admiring sister-in-law Kathy Cummings McCann

        Kathy - Watertown,, Minnesota, USA
        20 oktober 2020

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      • John, mijn tweede promotor!
        reactie 75   |   niet OK
        Ik hoor pas net van goede vriend Wouter dat John is overleden. Mijn gedachten gaan terug naar een geweldige promotietijd waar ik als OIO werkzaam was bij Jan Verhoeven. Er was een intensief samenwerkingsverband met Michael Paddon Row Uit Australië, John en Thijs en Jan en Jan. Ik ben wat keren met de trein naar Delft Zuid gegaan, daarna lopend naar het IRI en dan onder begeleiding van John, Ken, later Stefan meten aan de geweldige verbindingen van Michael PR. Liefst op vrijdag want dan kon ik de vrijdagmiddagborrel bijwonen, want gezellig was ie met veel humor. Ik ben John enorm dankbaar voor zijn belangrijke aandeel in de vorming van mijn academische vaardigheden en het was een eer dat hij in mijn promotiecommissie zat en mij het nog even lastig maakte voordat ik de doctorstitel mocht gaan gebruiken. Beste John, rust zacht...
        Jan Kroon

        Jan - Alkmaar
        16 oktober 2020

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      • Onvervangbaar
        reactie 74   |   niet OK
        Best John, opa tik tak,

        Het afscheid is definitief maar de herinnering is onuitwisbaar.

        Voor Kris en mij was je de beste opa die we maar konden wensen en onvervangbaar.

        Rust zacht opa tik tak

        Dave - Zijlberg 16
        16 oktober 2020

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      • Dear John
        reactie 73   |   niet OK
        You were the best scientific mentor I could have wished for. I am so grateful to be one of your PhDs.

        Gerwin - Valkenswaard
        16 oktober 2020

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      • reactie 72

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Dieter - Simrockstr. 7A -- D-65187 Wiesbaden

        15 oktober 2020

      • Hi John
        reactie 71   |   niet OK
        Hi John
        You will be sorely missed not only by your immediate family but by your many friends and colleagues in and outside the academic world. What most impressed me about you was that you wore your learning and academic achievements so lightly. I know of many in that world who put on airs and graces to impress others with their achievements - but that was not you. You came across as "Mr. Regular Guy" and I was surprised, when I first got to know you, to hear from a mutual friend how highly regarded you are for your scientific achievements. You had not a sniff of arrogance and remained open and friendly to all. You even kept your northern accent and no assumed BBC British! That's not to say that you withstood fools lightly. You fearlessly criticised others if you didn't agree with them - even those higher up in your heirarchy. That takes courage and strength of mind!
        In short John you are a role model for the rest of us mortals from whom we can learn an awful lot.

        Peter - The Hague
        15 oktober 2020

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