Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Nicholas van Gosliga

  • 11 augustus 1959 - Cromwell, New Zealand
  • Mocht graag kijken naar verschillende soorten sport.
  • Stoofpotjes - Biefstuk

Nicholas van Gosliga werd geboren in Cromwell, New Zealand op 11 augustus 1959. Zijn vrije tijd besteedde hij graag aan Koken, schaken. Op sportief gebied stak hij zijn energie in Mocht graag kijken naar verschillende soorten sport.. De laatste woonplaats van Nicholas was Bovensmilde.

Nick was born in Cromwell, New Zealand, a second son to Tjipke & Froukje van Gosliga. Soon after Nick was born the family moved to Otematata, New Zealand where Nick’s father worked construction on the Hydro dams. In the mid 60’s the family moved to Christchurch. Nick attended Mairehau High School & became an enthusiastic member of the basketball team. Nick completed his high school education at St. Kevin’s in Oamaru.
In the late 80’s the family moved to the Netherlands where Nick worked at Koops Garage until returning to New Zealand in 1984.
In 1992 Nick moved back to Holland where he became a skilled tile layer.
While living in Holland Nick made many trips to Canada to visit his sister, brother-in-law, niece Heather. Nick also made many friends in Canada.
Nick was an avid reader and any place he lived was sure to have a packed bookshelf. He was a devoted friend, always willing to lend a hand.

Op maandag 6 januari 2020 is Nicholas van Gosliga overleden. We zullen hem missen en met veel liefde aan hem blijven denken.

* verplichte velden

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Katrina Longfield
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