Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Robert Kemper

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Gedenkplaats geopend door:

Dewi Kemper


Lieve Familie van Robert,
Echt heel onwerkelijk dit... Ik wens jullie heel veel sterkte met dit grote verlies!
Jane - Amsterdam
29 oktober 2012
condoleance 321  |  
Robert, helaas kunnen we dat biertje toch niet samen drinken tijdens de MPM 2012.

Rust zacht fijne kerel.

Marten - Muiden
25 oktober 2012
condoleance 320  |  
Willem Roskam
Woorden zijn er niet voor dit verlies....op de uitvaart bleek nogmaals hoe geliefd je bent en met hoeveel warme herinneren iedereen je zal gedenken. Rust zacht!
Willem - Amsterdam
24 oktober 2012
condoleance 319  |  
Laura van Klinken
Alle sterkte en power toegewenst om dit verlies te kunnen "dragen".

Zijn vriendelijke lacht als hij langs de receptie kwam ............missen we!
Laura - Amsterdam
24 oktober 2012
condoleance 318  |  
Eddy Keek
Tijdens het afscheid werd duidelijk hoe geliefd Robert was en wie hem allemaal ontzettend zullen missen. Ik weet zeker dat ik je nog heel vaak en lang zal missen op 'de 5e' bij Sony. Ik wens iedereen en vooral de naaste familie heel veel sterkte bij het dragen van dit verlies.
Eddy - Amsterdam
24 oktober 2012
condoleance 317  |  
Masahiro (Max) Murakawa
I worked with Robert as a member of Canon broadcast tv lens group for long time. I was a shock to hear that he passed away. He was always very good to people and we share a lot of good memories. I always remember beautiful days we have spent together at nice senic places, when he visited Japan in Dec 2000. Thank you very much, Robert. I extend to his family my heartfelt condolences.
Masahiro - Tokyo, Japan
24 oktober 2012
condoleance 316  |  
Mick Sheehan
Dear Robert and family.

Please find something I wrote internally celebrating his life and personality.I was unable to put the picture of Robert, next to the CEO of Sony, in this message, but I believe the message may also be sent by another route.

With my deep condolences.
Mick Sheehan

From: Sheehan, Michael
Sent: 16 October 2012 09:00

Subject: Robert Kemper - The man who would "go over the bridge"....

Dear Colleagues,

I was shaken by the first terrible news of Robert in the summer and then, when I learned late this Friday evening of his death, I tried to contemplate this terrible loss for his family and close friends. Truly tragic, and my deepest sympathy is with them.

It would not be quite correct of me to describe Robert and I as friends, but respected good colleagues we were indeed. I had the pleasure of getting to know Robert even better when we were first Regional “Media Heads”, and then as Regional Sales Managers. At meetings, and more often in the evening, we would find each other and have a chat. I very much admired and respected Robert’s great strategic commercial skills, and sense of humour too. I believe the respect was mutual. Although we were different, we were equal in the same challenges, goals and passion. Robert was a fighter, which has been evident in these last months.

On reflection I wanted however to try to celebrate Robert, and provide one or two examples of his great character.

In 2005, Robert, Roy Shufflebotham and myself, in PSE, received the honour of an “Outstanding Sales Award” nomination for various reasons, which we would receive in a sponsored trip to Japan. This was held in parallel to the Sony Global Marketing Conference in Kyoto, and here we would join fellow award winners from all the B&P global territories. The picture below was taken during lunch at the GMC. Sir Howard Stringer, then new as CEO , came around to the tables, full of charisma, and courteously gave his regards and congratulations to us. Robert was naturally not slow to start a conversation with Sir Howard and I recall we chatted about football, of all things. (Sir Howard liked his footie, obviously.) Not to miss an opportunity a photograph had to be taken and, not surprisingly, Robert got in pole position for the photo. This was, so Robert. He was as relaxed and charming with Sir Howard as he would be with a stranger in an elevator. I think his smile says it all..

That evening, the whole group was given the further honour of being taken out to dinner at a traditional restaurant in Gion, the Geisha district of Kyoto, hosted by Matt Soga and Atsugi colleagues. At dinner it was apparent that our Atsugi colleagues had just returned from travels, and were a little tired. Regardless, they then took us on a short tour of this old part of town, which finished at a taxi rank by the river. I recall Robert and I discussing that we should perhaps have “one for the road” with the core gang of award winners. Courteous until the end, Songa-san and our Atsugi colleagues offered to us to take the first taxis. We thanked them for a splendid evening and, declining, told them that we would like take one last drink together, allowing them to depart and get back to their hotels. As our Atsugi colleagues were getting in to their taxi I asked, (as someone who’d never been to Kyoto before), “is there anywhere we should not go in Kyoto?”. “It’s OK” was the reply, “but don’t go over the bridge.”

We waved goodbye to our Atsugi colleagues, and one of our SEL colleagues from the US said, “So now what?”. I looked at Robert and we, in complete unison, pointed and said “We’re going over the bridge!” Our American colleague retorted, “you crazy Europeans”, but happily followed. To be honest, we did not find much open on the other side of the bridge. We found a bar, of course, and took “one for the road”, and that really was that. It is however the memory of Robert and I saying “We’re going over the bridge!”, at the exact same time, that I cherish and makes me smile whenever I think about him. This was Robert Kemper, in life or in business. The man who would go over the bridge. Please raise a glass to Robert, the next evening you are with your fellow colleagues.

RIP. Robert. You were “a diamond”, mate.

Mick Sheehan
Mick - Oslo Norway
23 oktober 2012
condoleance 315  |  
Mark Osborn
Deeply saddened by the news, difficult to find words to express my feelings
Far too soon for a good, kind person.
My thoughts are with your family at this time

Mark Osborn
Mark - Bury St Edmunds, UK
23 oktober 2012
condoleance 314  |  
Ken Koyama
Dear my friend, Robert

We have shared so many and much fun.
Cheering, Eating, Drinking, Dancing, etc, etc.
I will never forget you.
Sleep peacefully.

Yours Sincerely
Ken - London
23 oktober 2012
condoleance 313  |  
Marius Klijzing
Heel veel sterkte toegewenst met dit enorme verlies.
Marius - Amsterdam
23 oktober 2012
condoleance 312  |  

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