rudi vaillant and the macvilles
as a young young boy rudi was not an easygoing kid,so his mum and dad farmed him out ocasionally,
thats why he stayed with the macvilles for a couple of monthes,who toke him on a tour around java in
1941.according to mrs macville:he was a sweet boy.
rudi vaillant and frank macville.
when the japs invaded indonesia,all adult males were in camps,my grand mother lived in a house on the outskirts of batavia(djakarta)on the struiswijk was a deadend street,the railroad across the street,the indonesiansbehind the deadend.grandma had all her daughters with her,with their children,grandpa still alive,as i remember walking on his back to ease his backache.i was the smallest of the grandchildren,and rudi payed a lot of attention to me,as almost every morning he would hide my breakfast plate,i would wake up, could find no breakfast and would start howling::rudi happy and my grandma scolding rudi to stop pestering that small child.but he also protective of me if the bigger boys
tried their tricks on me.
how rudi came into the hands of the japanese i do not know,but just before their capitulation rudi was in their jail,starved him so bad their his mother only recognised him,coming out of jail,because he called her mother!!very soon after rudi was driving a truck,employed by the dutch army.he also had lodgings in the djokja baracks,lucky for us.when my dad came out of prisoncamp,the head of the indonesion village warned him to leave the struiswijkstraat,as the indonesians were going to hit that our family moved into djokja barracks,and very soon after the struiswijkstraat was hit and any dutch people on it were killed!!
when the situation normalised,dutch people were getting on boats,on the way to the netherlands,so did rudi and the vaillant family and my grandmother.they started living in leiden in the witte rozen straat.
when my family returned to the netherlands in 1953,they where still living there,rudi was an adult,almost married to jos::and he drove a scooter;;the lambretta.for some reason,i joined him when he was playing :”handball”rudi played for a top team out of leiden,when they played in the hague he would drive to my house,pick we up and would accompany him watching his games.hand ball then was a fieldsport,only during the winter they played indoors,and i was with him whereever he played.i know he also played badminton,but i saw little of that.
also on that lambretta he made a trip with jos to he north of italy,crossing the mountains,if there where tunnels they did not used them.
as you can read from the above,rudi was my hero,and still is my hero,and it saddens me that he passed away.i love you big man.