My Dear Yvette Ocelot,
My condolences and love to family and friends. Our Yvette is at peace, hope you are, too.
you were an outstanding human. Ferociously clever, compassionate, driven and yet able to be silly at the drop of a hat. Qualified in three countries, scholarship, chair..
We watched many films [Ratatouille!!] at home, sneaked champagne into the cinema to watch The Lake House [sorry I fell was a bit of a chick-flick and I was happy to take the blame for the champers - how else could I have reacted to your cheeky smile, charm and finger-poking in the ribs?].
We shifted more boxes and bottles of champagne than we drank, especially Billecart Saumon. I think of you every time I see a bottle of champagne. I remember the first time you cycled to a restaurant in ? Holborn & met my family and asked politely if you could have champagne, as other wine didn't agree with you; my Dad said "coo! high maintenance are you [wink]?" and you came right back making us all giggle with "yes...but I'm worth it![wink]".
We had to stay separate because of a court case, I hated that , and hated even more than I couldn't be with you and didn't find out about your memorial. But hope you know was always with you in my heart and you in mine, still.
And still have the [cheap!] chef's knife you liked so much & never managed to give you. it *is* good for lettuce, green beans and garlic and cinnamon.
Think of you every time I have sushi, Laphroig whisky, see jimmy choo or louboutin shoes or a sunflower. Never though that would be me, you taught me some of the fine things and style! But never salsa, at least in public. Thank you for allowing me to step on your toes, albeit in socks in your living room, and thank you for not laughing too much when you took the rise out of my lack of rhythym. You were so graceful, must have been hard!
Enjoy your peace and bike rides, love. Call me if you want a story in the bath, splishy splashy sploshy. XXX
stewart - London
11 mei 2019
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Dear Yvette Ocelot,
My condolences and love to family and friends. Our Yvette is at peace, hope you are, too.
you were an outstanding human. Ferociously clever, compassionate, driven and yet able to be silly at the drop of a hat. Qualified in three countries, scholarship, chair..
We watched many films [Ratatouille!!] at home, sneaked champagne into the cinema to watch The Lake House [sorry I fell was a bit of a chick-flick and I was happy to take the blame for the champers - how else could I have reacted to your cheeky smile, charm and finger-poking in the ribs?].
We shifted more boxes and bottles of champagne than we drank, especially Billecart Saumon. I think of you every time I see a bottle of champagne. I remember the first time you cycled to a restaurant in ? Holborn & met my family and asked politely if you could have champagne, as other wine didn't agree with you; my Dad said "coo! high maintenance are you [wink]?" and you came right back making us all giggle with "yes...but I'm worth it![wink]".
We had to stay separate because of a court case, I hated that , and hated even more than I couldn't be with you and didn't find out about your memorial. But hope you know was always with you in my heart and you in mine, still.
And still have the [cheap!] chef's knife you liked so much & never managed to give you. it *is* good for lettuce, green beans and garlic and cinnamon.
Think of you every time I have sushi, Laphroig whisky, see jimmy choo or louboutin shoes or a sunflower. Never though that would be me, you taught me some of the fine things and style! But never salsa, at least in public. Thank you for allowing me to step on your toes, albeit in socks in your living room, and thank you for not laughing too much when you took the rise out of my lack of rhythym. You were so graceful, must have been hard!
Enjoy your peace and bike rides, love. Call me if you want a story in the bath, splishy splashy sploshy. XXX
stewart - London
11 mei 2019
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Lieve Yvette,
Mijn hemel. Waar je nu vast zweeft, zonder pijn.
In mei 2013 zag ik je voor het laatst. Jij was bij ons thuis en wij reisden samen naar Assen alwaar je behandeld werd. Wij hadden niet veel contact maar wel een hechte band.
Nadien heb ik een paar keer gebeld en gemaild. Regelmatig. Zolang jouw mooie foto op Linkedin was hoopte ik dat het goed zou komen. Tot vanavond. Ik zond een bericht op Linkedin maar wilde het niet bij laten.
En dat heb ik geweten. Jij bent er niet meer. God!
Rust zacht.
Samia Guessabi-Colombijn Amsterdam
Samia - Amsterdam
6 juli 2015
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So sad reading the news of someone who was so passionate about life, kind and upright. The few times we visited in London creating so many lovely and everlasting memories. Long conversations while walking or over a cup of tea. Admiring ladies fashions while window shopping. Human dignity and equality, taking a stance in what is right and engaging the system. Visiting friends and receiving her attention. A superb friend, sad that we did not visit more often but glad we had a chance to meet. Sad to read that your passing was unexpected and that I did not have the chance to perhaps have a hand of support and understanding. My love to you and thank you for your time and friendship.
Gonzalo - Austin, Texas
25 mei 2014
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As Chair of the Employment Lawyers Association I would like to register our heartfelt condolences at the tragic loss of Yvette. She was a very popular lawyer, and as testament to that popularity had latterly had been a member of our Management Committee, having been elected Member at Large at the last elections. We shall miss her enormously and we wish her family and friends every comfort at this difficult time
Richard - London
6 januari 2014
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I was very shocked and saddened to hear the news of Yvette's death. She was a pleasure to work with and my sincere condolences go to her family and friends.
Özlem - Fox Williams LLP, London
29 november 2013
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Lieve Yvette
Ik hoop dat de wereld waarin je nu bent, je beter behandelt dan de wereld waarin je was. Je verdient het.
Bettie - Haren
25 november 2013
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Het is ongelooflijk zwaar om op zo'n jonge leeftijd af scheid te moeten nemen van deze talentvolle vrouw.
Wij bewaren goede herinneringen aan Yvette.
Marjolein en Eva en allen die haar dierbaar waren willen wij van harte condoleren.
Met innige deelneming,
Jan & Mieke
Jan - Heerlen
24 november 2013
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Lieve Yvette,
We hebben je leren kennen in je tienerjaren , toen we allen geschokt waren door wat jou toen is overkomen . Je woonde een tijdje bij Paul en Natalie, niet ver van ons vandaan. Je moeder Truce wad een collega en ooit jaargenoot in de studentenvereniging RIA/Thomas in Amsterdam. Rust zacht, lieverd, we zullen je niet vergeten!
Mariëlle en Jo
Mariëlle - Didam
23 november 2013
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Lieve Yvette,
Als klein nichtje van jou zag ik je best vaak ook al woonde je niet in de buurt. Al heel jong hadden wij een klik, die ervoor zorgde dat ik nadat het contact tussen mijn ouders en jou verwaterd was, ik als 13 jarige zelf een vriendin van je opbelde om te vragen naar je gegevens. Je toonde mij trots op de universiteit aan vrienden toen ik waarschijnlijk door mijn ouders op de trein gezet was om je te bezoeken. Samen met mijn zusje Kitty logeerde we bij jou in Amsterdam en later zocht ik je op in Londen. Je inspireerde mij om in Engeland mee te doen aan een uitwisselingsprogramma doordat jij al eerder in het buitenland studeerde. Na je jaren in New York kregen we hierdoor weer meer contact, dat contact is gebleven. Zo was ik er om je te helpen na een operatie aan je knie en het afgelopen jaar toen het niet goed met je ging hebben we veel contact gehad. Als wij belden werd het steevast laat en lagen we beide dubbel om van alles en nog wat. Fijn dat je Rosanne nog hebt meegemaakt. Door het regelen van jouw begrafenis kom ik erachter dat wij veel eigenschappen gemeen hebben. Ik hoop dat je ergens van boven mag meegenieten van alle aandacht van dierbaren, wat je zo goed kon gebruiken.
Liefs Eva
Eva - Haarlem
21 november 2013
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Geef de nabestaanden uw steun en laat hier uw condoleance achter.