Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Frank Smith

      Native American Prayer

      I give you this one thought to keep- I am with you still- I do not sleep.
      I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain.
      When you awaken in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight.
      I am the soft stars that shine at night.
      Do not think of me as gone-
      I am with you still- in each new dawn

      Overige informatie
      Frank was een vrolijke jongen.
      Hij hield van sport een was gek van Formula 1 Racing.

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        Son, I cannot remember the last time I told you that I love you. I found this piece to help me express myself to you:

        The agony is so great, and yet I will stand it. Had I not loved you so very much, I would not hurt so much as I do today. But goodness knows that I would not want to diminish that love by one fraction of an ounce, I will Hurt
        And I will be grateful to the hurt, for it bears witness to the depth of my love for you.
        And for what I will be eternally grateful.

        I love you

        frank - utrecht
        21 januari 2003

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        Franky mijn zoon ,ik hoor nog steeds die heerlijke lach vanje , je bent en blijf dicht bij mij , wij waren vaak tweegedachten en een ziel ...Hoop dat je af en toe de mammadans voor mij doet en hou ons een beetje in de gaten , wij blijven de webber brq voort zetten en hopen dat je vrienden er allemaal bij zijn wij zijn er in ieder geval .
        Hoop dat mijn tranen van verdriet en pijn met de tijd mogen verzachten ik hou van jou jij bent mijn zielmijn licht tot leven eens zullen wij weer samen zijn.mam ,dad Ellis
        Fly,fly precious one
        Your endless journey has begun
        Take your gentle happiness
        Far too beautiful for this
        Cross over to the other shore
        There is peace forevermore
        But hold this mem,ry bittersweet
        Until we meet...........

        linda -
        17 januari 2003

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        To Frank and Linda,
        My prayers are with you. I pray that God will comfort you in your time of sorrow. I've been there, so I know something about it. God bless you and keep you. Love,

        Robert -
        12 januari 2003

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        Lieve Franky, Ik heb je op zien groeien van baby tot leuke jonge man die je was, met liefde zal ik aan je terug denken. Veels te jong ben je van ons heen gegaan. Je ouders, zus, ooms, tantes, nichten en neven en verdere familieleden, vrienden en kenissen zullen je missen en blij zijn voor de korte tijd dat ze je hebben gekend. Het zal nog lang duren voor onze pijn gesleten is. Het lege gat dat jij achter laat, zal nooit meer gevuld worden. En onze gedachten zullen nog lang bij je zijn. Maar ga in vrede naar het hiernamaals. Waar dat ook moge zijn, vaarwel mijn neef. Misschien wel tot ziens daarboven?Een laatste groet en knuffel van je tante Wil

        tante -
        8 januari 2003

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        Franky, I know you are with me every day, I can feel you around me. We cannot make our future dreams come true like our upcoming marriage and the children we wanted so badly. I hope you are as happy now as you was with me and I know you loved me as dearly as I love you. We are bounded forever.

        Wait for me baby, I know we meet again.
        Yours always “Lientje”

        Caroline -
        5 januari 2003

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        I heard the terrible news from Mila and was shocked. I could not believe that you were gone. Even though we haven't been in touch, I'll allways remember you as a happy, outgoing brotha that loved to party. Even though you're not here physically, you'll be in our thoughts and hearts forever. Caroline, my heart goes out to you and I feel terrible that your plans together fell so very short. I'm truly very sorry for your loss.

        Thomas Jones

        Thomas -
        5 januari 2003

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        You irritated the hell out of me like only a little brother could. I commend you for a job well done. No one could have done a better job. As different as we are we are also very much alike. As much as I sometimes despised you for being as you are, the more I admired you for being you. Where others need words to express themselves we used little. One word and a lot of eye work did it for us. I guess that made up for the stubbornness that still to this day is deeeply imbedded in both of us. I still can't find the words to express what I am feeling. I just feel so proud that you are my brother. You shaped me more than you know. I love you and will never forget.
        Thank you.... je zus "de kakkert"
        p.s. stop messing with the cars we get the hint.

        Ellis -
        4 januari 2003

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        Son, the pain can be unbearable, I took you for granted... you would always be there.. there would always be tomorrow.
        I love you...I miss you. But you are still here for me! This poem comforts me:..

        And if I go
        while you're still here...
        know that I live on,
        vibrating to a different measure
        -behind a thin veil you cannot see through.
        You will not see me,
        so you must have faith.
        I wait for the time when we can soar together again,
        -both aware of each other.
        Until then, live your lfe to the fullest.
        And when you need me,
        just whisper my name in your heart.
        I will be there.

        frank - utrecht
        4 januari 2003

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        Franky, my cousin, my friend:
        You are still with us. You never left us, but the pain and sorrow is so great because we will never see your face again and never hear your voice again. But you are still with us. Your presence is larger than life and the memories of you will stay forever strong. You are in a better place, but you are still with us. After a while our tears will turn into smiles and our pain will turn into happiness, the happiness of knowing we were blessed to have had you in our lives if only for a little while. Franky, we love you so much and we will always miss you. You will always be with us.
        "And I know you're shining down on me (us) from Heaven, like so many friends we've lost along the way, And I know eventually we'll be together. One sweet day" (One Sweet Day-Mariah Carey)

        To Frank, Linda, Ellis and Caroline: I know the pain you (and the rest of the family) are going through right now and I know it hurts so much. You are constantly in my thoughts.


        Yvette -
        4 januari 2003

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        Hai Franky.
        Wat moet ik nu eigenlijk nog zeggen, want: zo jong en volop in het leven,
        kan jij nu je dromen niet meer beleven,
        je humor en glimlach op je gezicht,
        is voor altijd in mijn herinnering gegrift.
        03 januari 2003

        Jobina -
        3 januari 2003

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