Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Mirjam van Roon


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      • My Dear Friend Mirjam
        reactie 50   |   niet OK

        We first met in Belgrade when we were 7 years old and since than we became friends for ever. She was always happy to come to Serbia. Her endearing personality and cheerful spirit always brought warmth in our hearts. We became mothers in the same period of time, which brought us even more closer together. She left a great impact on my life and will be remembered always.

        Maja - Belgrade
        7 september 2018

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      • reactie 49

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Maja - Belgrade

        7 september 2018

      • reactie 48

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Maja - 6, Dr Aleksandra Kostica str., 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

        7 september 2018

      • "I am a thousand winds that blow..."
        reactie 47   |   niet OK
        There are times in one’s life that you have the joy, honour and good fortune to be in relationship with a truly wonderful human being. Mirjam is one of the people in the world I trusted the most. We had not seen each other in years and just last week I planned to get back in touch to ask her advice regarding a project and to share news of our families. She was a vital support to me in a very distressing time, so spontaneously and so fully. I hold in my heart the memories of the first 3 Keys seminar in Branka’s and Han’s home and spending time with the whole family who made me feel a part of your close unit, all of you so dear. I feel a physiological and strong emotional response of separation with Mirjam’s passing, a sign of her impact on me as a person. Knowing her changed me: to be more at ease with myself, to remain courageous and honour my values, to touch more deeply into my heart. There is an elegy sometimes attributed to Native American authorship, but in fact was written in the 1930s by a Baltimore housewife and mother. This poem is the one comfort I can find at this moment as it embodies how Mirjam will stay with me forever:
        Do not stand at my grave and weep,
        I am not there; I do not sleep.
        I am a thousand winds that blow,
        I am the diamond glints on snow,
        I am the sun on ripened grain,
        I am the gentle autumn rain.
        When you awaken in the morning’s hush
        I am the swift uplifting rush
        Of quiet birds in circling flight.
        I am the soft star-shine at night.
        Do not stand at my grave and cry,
        I am not there; I did not die.

        I cannot be with you this weekend but my heart is with all of the Van Roon’s, and everyone who loved Mirjam.

        Nancy - London
        7 september 2018

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      • Quote
        reactie 46   |   niet OK
        Ik mis jou en het maakt mij verdrietig,
        maar als ik aan al die herinneringen
        denk komt er weer een glimlach terecht.

        Mirjam is mijn 3Keys pratitioner en mijn coaching mentor. Dankzij haar liefde voor het vak en de liefde voor de mens leef ik nu veel bewuster en maak ik juistere keuzes. Mirjam blijft in mijn herinneringen als een toeverlaat bij wie ik terecht kon voor leuke en toch diepgaande gesprekken. Het gemis is groot, de herinnering blijft mooi.

        Johan - Mechelen, België
        7 september 2018

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      • Foto
        reactie 45   |   niet OK

        My name is Simonida Thurber. I met Mirjam in Seattle in the early 1990s. Our similar backgrounds (both having ties to Belgrade, Serbia, and both studying chemistry at University of Washington) drew us close to each other right away. Our friendship continued to grow over the years. I loved her rational way of thinking and the wise advice she either gave me directly, or guided me to discover for my self. The fact that I could always count on her lead me to choose Mirjam to be one of the bride's maids at my wedding in 1996. Even after she moved to Chicago, followed by London and Heemstede, we visited each other (as you can see from the photos) and stay close. I was about to give her a call this week for her birthday... I will miss tremendously her energy, and her love and passion for life, for her children, for her family and for her work. Mirjam will always be my "drugarica".

        Simonida - 32 Park Street, Exeter, New Hampshire, 03833 USA
        7 september 2018

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      • reactie 44

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Christian - Pijnacker

        7 september 2018

      • Bijzonder
        reactie 43   |   niet OK
        Wat een enorme schok. Na onze studietijd hadden we elkaar uit het oog verloren, maar de reconnect een tijd terug was even bijzonder als de vriendschap toen. Daar denk ik met dankbaarheid aan terug.

        De reconnect was heel natuurlijk: alsof we elkaar gisteren spraken. Dat kan niet meer, maar de herinneringen aan een haar onbevangenheid. kunst om veel te doorzien, mensen er (toen al!) doorheen te slepen, en dat de hele wereld haar thuis was, blijven en koester ik.

        Jeroen Wiert - Amsterdam
        7 september 2018

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      • Belonging to light
        reactie 42   |   niet OK
        To the soul of dear Mirjam....
        May Allah bless you with peace, love and beauty :)
        Once, you were asked...in what language do you think? You thought for a while and said...you may not know well !!
        Now I know very well dear ...you belong to the eternal light and you speak the language of your eternal beautiful soul.

        Dear soul mate...
        I could see now how we are connected more than before...
        And it is only now and until the arrival of a new light ...I have a greater bond with you that would stay forever.

        Dear Madam president...
        The great lessons from the light connecting our souls has just started!!

        Fatma, Sep 7th 2018
        Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

        Fatma - A
        7 september 2018

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      • 51 Minutes
        reactie 41   |   niet OK
        Dear Mirjam,
        Our last contact was 51 precious minutes by Skype. During those few minutes, you:
        --Gave me your full and undivided attention, even though you were on vacation and we were discussing 3Keys-related business.
        --Expressed energy and enthusiasm for our shared project that was uniquely motivating, inspiring, and contagious.
        --Made what seemed impossible feel like a real possibility.
        --Conveyed warmth, generosity, and an open heart that touched me deeply.
        I know that these gifts you shared with me in those few minutes were those that you shared with everyone, all the time. I am saddened beyond words that you are no longer with us. There is no other Mirjam van Roon, and the world is a less shiny place without you in it. Namaste.

        Jill - Swanzey, NH
        7 september 2018

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