Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Ron Verheijen

      We are shocked and saddened to share the news of the unexpected passing away of our colleague Ron Verheijen.
      Ron was devoted to our Company, making huge contributions to our success during his tenure. He was a dedicated, respected, and a much loved member of the SeaChange team. Ron’s contributions to the EMEA sales team were unparalleled and his efforts with customers and at trade shows, such as IBC, were instrumental to our success.
      For his colleagues in Eindhoven and throughout EMEA, Ron was a loyal, caring and pleasant colleague. We will all miss his friendship and expertise.
      We won’t forget sharing our working lives with Ron.
      Personally, I will miss Ron very much. He and his family will be in my prayers.
      Ed Terino, CEO SeaChange International

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      • Farewell my friend
        reactie 7   |   niet OK
        I was very shocked and saddened to hear the news about you, Ron. Having worked desk by desk with you for over 2 and a half years and still running into you in trade shows (and what a relief your sense of humour was during those) and general meetings, and always knowing you as a pleasant, energetic and well humoured guy, it was a terrible shock to know you had passed away. You were a brilliant mind, always so knowledgeable and a great source of learning for everyone around you. I am very thankful for having crossed paths with you. My condolences to you and your loved ones, I wish them strength in this moment of loss. Farewell my friend, you will be missed.

        Felipe - Oosterhout
        22 februari 2019

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      • shocked
        reactie 6   |   niet OK

        Why you? Why so young? Why.. why.. why..? Really unbelievable sad to know that you are not with us anymore! It was very nice to work with you, always putting yourself a bit in the background while being dedicated to your job. You were a real professional and THE person to go to for any technical questions and support.

        Rest in peace my friend!


        Maurice - GEULLE
        22 februari 2019

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      • My condolences
        reactie 5   |   niet OK
        I am deeply sadden to hear the loss. You were a great colleague to work with. I am honoured and blessed to have known you.

        Dahlan - Singapore
        22 februari 2019

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      • In gedachte
        reactie 4   |   niet OK
        De korte tijd die we samen hebben gewerkt zal ik nog lang herinneren, vooral aan het feit dat jij, samen met enkele andere, tot de late uurtjes op de stand bleef in Amsterdam om alles in gereedheid te brengen want zo heb ik je steeds ervaren, geduldig, behulpzaam, eerlijk, begripvol.
        Een persoon die gemist zal worden.
        Rust zacht!

        Bjorn - Warschau
        22 februari 2019

        Deel deze pagina:

      • Gone so soon
        reactie 3   |   niet OK
        I still cannot fathom that you are no longer amongst us. You were such a warm, dedicated, genuine and hard working person. Truly unique. Even if we only spent a few months working together, you have made a life long impression on me. I will never forget

        Jelle - Alsdorf
        22 februari 2019

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      • my friend.....
        reactie 2   |   niet OK

        Losing someone we love is nothing easy, but knowing that we have been able to be a part of the life of that person, we can realize that we are blessed to have been able to share in his life before he went to rest. We will miss you my friend…

        Serkan - Ankara
        22 februari 2019

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      • Collega en vriend
        reactie 1   |   niet OK
        Ron, je was collega, maar bleef in de gekte van ons werk ook altijd 'mens': eerlijk, vriendelijk, constructief en met humor.
        Ik zal je missen,

        Cees - Matakana
        21 februari 2019

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