Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Ylan, Rolf, Céryl Kho

      Ik huil om de stilte na jouw bestaan. Het verdriet omdat er geen afscheid was. Ik huil omdat jij zo eenzaam bent gegaan en jouw dood ons zo plots heeft verrast. Ik huil om jou, door de dood gevangen. Ik voel de leegte van geen afscheid. En huil om de pijn van mijn eindeloos verlangen. Alleen mijn tranen volgen jou in de eeuwigheid.

      Voeg uw reactie of herinnering toe met:

      Tips over condoleren of herinneringen delen?

      • How long will the pain last???
        reactie 221   |   niet OK
        We never quite forget.
        No matter how many years pass, we remember.
        The loss of a loved one is like a major operation.
        Part of us is removed, and we have a scar
        For the rest of our lives...

        As years go by, we manage.
        There are things to do, people to care for,
        Tasks that call for full attention.
        But the pain is still there, not far below the surface...

        We see a face that looks familiar,
        Hear a voice that echoes,
        See a photograph in someone's album,
        See a landscape that once we saw together,
        And it seems as though
        A knife were in the wound again...

        But not so painfully,
        And mixed with joy, too,
        Because remembering a happy time is not all sorrow;
        It brings back some happiness with it, too...

        How long will the pain last?
        "All the rest of your life."
        But the thing to remember
        Is that not only will the pain last,
        But the blessed memories as well...

        Tears are proof of life;
        The more love, the more tears.
        If this be true, then how could we ever ask
        That the pain cease altogether?
        For then the memory of love would go with it.
        The pain of grief is the price we pay for love...

        Hermina, - Hoogeveen
        22 juli 2017

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      • Miss you...xxx
        reactie 219   |   niet OK

        Hermina, - Hoogeveen
        29 april 2017

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      • reactie 218

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Maria - Tiel

        23 december 2016

      • Foto
        reactie 217   |   niet OK

        Whenever I miss you, I look at my heart...It's the only place I can find you...xxx

        Hermina - Hoogeveen
        1 december 2016

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      • Miss you...xxx
        reactie 216   |   niet OK

        Hermina, - Hoogeveen
        19 september 2016

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      • Foto
        reactie 215   |   niet OK

        I only have a picture now,
        A frozen piece of time,
        To remind me of how it was,
        When you were here, and mine...

        I see your smiling eyes,
        Each morning when I wake,
        I talk to you, and place a kiss,
        Upon your lovely face...

        How much I miss you being here,
        I really cannot say,
        The ache is deep inside my heart,
        And never goes away...

        Hermina, - Hoogeveen
        10 september 2016

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      • Foto
        reactie 214   |   niet OK

        Hermina. - Hoogeveen
        22 juni 2016

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      • Foto
        reactie 213   |   niet OK

        Hermina, - Hoogeveen
        5 april 2016

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      • When God comforted me...
        reactie 212   |   niet OK
        From heaven he was delivered
        As a baby unto you,
        When God said to me softly
        I'm trusting you to do
        Everything that's needed
        To nurture and to love
        He's your little angel
        Sent from me above.

        You see...spirits cannot be
        Held, hugged or kissed
        The body that was his vessel
        Is what you'll surely miss
        But his spirit that I shared with you
        On that one special day
        That is what I promise
        To never take away.

        So he is back in heaven now
        The earth was not his place
        He taught you all he could
        About dignity and grace
        So as you grieve and weep
        To see him once again
        I promise he's waiting here
        When you get to heaven.

        Hermina, - Hoogeveen
        4 april 2016

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      • Foto
        reactie 211   |   niet OK

        Hermina, - Hoogeveen
        9 maart 2016

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      De mooiste herinneringen zijn vaak eenvoudige momenten waar je het eerst aan denkt. Condoleances zijn vaak de woorden die als eerste in je opkomen om verdriet te delen.

      Tips nodig voor het schrijven van condoleances of herinneringen?

      Niet iedereen die reageert kent zowel de nabestaanden als de persoon die overleden is.
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