Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

John Warman

      John passed away peacefully in the early morning of the 7th of October 2020.
      The family has now buried his ashes in Jaffa Cemetery in Delft, the city that was our home for 50 years. The cemetery is near to the university institute that played such an important role in John’s life. This website serves as a place to come together and remember his life by sharing thoughts, memories, images and music.

      For those of you who are seeing this website for the first time, and/or who do not read Dutch, here are a few tips for exploring it. Under ‘reacties’ you will find notices posted by the family plus messages of remembrance and condolence. Scroll to the bottom for the page numbers. Page 4 contains Peter’s initial announcement of John’s death plus Marilyn’s account of his final year. Page 3 includes the slide show Peter and Andrea presented at John’s 65th birthday, entitled ‘What does your daddy do?’. And on page 8 you will find the presentation John himself gave at his 80th birthday party: 55 slides that tell his life story.

      If you wish to post a message yourself, click on the green box ‘woorden’.

      Voeg uw reactie of herinnering toe met:

      Tips over condoleren of herinneringen delen?

      • Lieve buurman
        reactie 70   |   niet OK
        Sinds drie jaar woon ik op de Menno ter braak flat. Het was fijn om buren zoals John en Marilyn te hebben. Ik voelde mij direct welkom. Altijd in voor een praatje en een grapje. Dat ga ik heel erg missen.

        Lieve buurman, het was een eer u gekend te hebben. Rust zacht.

        Heel veel sterkte voor Marilyn en de rest van de familie in de aankomende, moeilijke tijd.

        Ursula - Delft
        14 oktober 2020

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      • Condolences
        reactie 69   |   niet OK
        I am so very saddened to hear of John's passing. He was a colleague and much treasured friend of my late husband Dr. Ron Cooper and I spent some wonderful moments with he and Marilyn on our various overseas trips and also back here in Melbourne. I still have a photo of John, Ron and Myran Sauer outside a kiosk in the main square with glasses of beer and Oude Genever prominant on the table in front of them. I remember John with great affection as a generous and intelligent man in so many different ways. Aside from his considerable professional talents, his great love of family, of his friends, of travel, and of his adopted home town of Delft were so patently obvious to all who knew him. I feel privileged to have known him and to have experienced the generosity and kindness extended to me by him and his wonderful family. If there is a world on the other side, he and Ron will have so much to share and reflect on! When the pain of loss subsides a little I know Marilyn, Andrea, Peter and extended family will have wonderful memories of a life truly well lived.
        Affectionately, Ngaire Johansen

        Ngaire - Australia
        14 oktober 2020

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      • Special times with John
        reactie 68   |   niet OK

        A few memories of good times past.

        Ken - Adelaide, South Australia
        14 oktober 2020

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      • Betovering - 2
        reactie 67   |   niet OK

        Thijs - Arnhem
        13 oktober 2020

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      • Betovering- 1
        reactie 66   |   niet OK

        Deze week was voor velen van ons een achtbaan, een achtbaan terug in de tijd.
        En werd ook onbetwist duidelijk hoeveel John heeft betekend voor onze AIO's, collega's en internationale wetenschappelijke vrienden.

        John en ik kwamen eind 1970 ongeveer tegelijk naar het IRI, het Interuniversitair Reactor Instituut, uitgenodigd door Andries. Daar had Lee de van de Graaff versneller getemd zodat korte pulsen elektronen mogelijk werden. John was al onderzoeker en ik werd promovendus. Ik rookte toen sigaartjes. Toen een paar maanden later de Hongaarse promovenda Erika bij de groep kwam en zij bij mij op de kamer zou komen, werd ik snel door haar verbannen naar de kamer van John, want John rookte ook. Ik wist toen nog niet dat dit het begin was van de hechte wetenschappelijke en vriendschappelijke band die 50 jaar zou duren.
        In het begin kreeg ik zo veel steun bij mijn onderzoek. Maar ondertussen probeerde John mij te interesseren voor X-band microgolf. Daarmee had John in USA ionisatie in gassen bestudeerd. Zo kwam het dat we al snel een opstelling in elkaar gesleuteld hadden met geleende spullen van Electrotechniek en Natuurkunde. Van onze eerste primitieve opstelling heb ik geen foto's kunnen vinden, het was slechts "houtje-touwtje", maar wel het begin van TRMC.
        De resultaten smaakten naar meer.
        Toen Andries hoogleraar werd in Leiden, bedacht John een TRMC opstelling die in mijn auto paste zodat we alles naar een laser op de RUL konden transporteren. Daar konden we ionisatie na UV bestraling bestuderen. Met de prachtige moleculen van o.a. Jan Verhoeven, UVA, en Michael Paddon-Row, NSW, Australië, kregen we resultaten die direct aanpassing van de bestaande modellen van ladingstransport in moleculen vereisten.
        Daarna werd het voor ons steeds makkelijker om samen te werken met onderzoeksgroepen, die eveneens bijzondere moleculen hadden gemaakt. Ook externe financiering ging beter lukken. Zo had John niet veel later zijn eigen laser en kregen we hulp van onze AIO's.
        Dat werd het begin van een nieuwe fase die beschreven is in zo'n 300 publicaties, samen met honderden medeauteurs over de hele wereld.............

        Thijs - Arnhem
        13 oktober 2020

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      • Goede vriend John,
        reactie 65   |   niet OK
        We zullen je missen, je immer onderzoekende, kritische geest; je élan en enthousiasme; je niet aflatende belangstelling voor de mensen en de wereld om je heen; je humor en je savoir-vivre.

        Fare you well.

        Els, Stephanie, Annemijn en Hans Sondaal

        Hans - Boxmeer
        13 oktober 2020

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      • Congenial colleague
        reactie 64   |   niet OK
        John was a congenial colleague whom I met at numerous occasions in the US, Britain and at my one month stay at IRI about 1982. I pity his painful life during his last year and I send my condolences to his family.

        Werner F. - Berlin Germany
        13 oktober 2020

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      • An Australian Connection
        reactie 63   |   niet OK
        It was my pleasure to meet and later work for John after he visited the University of Melbourne for work in 1985. John worked with Dr Ron Cooper from the Uni. in the Radiation Chemistry laboratory setting up new equipment. During this time in Australia, John enjoyed a train trip lasting 3 days as he crossed Australia from Sydney to Perth. John really liked special train trips. I joined vakgroep Strahlingschemie in 1986 to work with Dr Thijs de Haas on TRMC. John had set me up in an apartment in Delft, not far from Menno ter Braaklaan where he lived. The apartment also proved useful for many of the long term visitors who worked with John. I got to meet scientists from all over the world. John and Marilyn were really wonderful for helping myself and visitors to the Netherlands fit in.
        John had a wonderful combination of easy going helpfulness, sociability and humour, and also a well organised and sharp mind for science in which observations related to mathematical equations. John was generous with his scientific family. There always seemed to be something happening. Visiting scientists included Dr Ron Cooper from Melbourne on sabatical. We enjoyed the IRI-bar each week, and often went to the Carrousel Eetcafe in oude Delft on Friday evenings for darts and drinks with English post-docs.
        Despite all the excitement of international science, John always looked forward to recharging his batteries with his annual holiday on the Dutch islands (Terscheling) with his family. I most admired John for his warm and positive personality. He also took great pride in publishing, and his family network of scientific colleagues. he would keep in contact with that network for decades and would tell what Marilyn, Peter, Andrea and his grandchildren would be up to. I had the pleasure of introducing my own Australian family to John almost 20 years later on briefly returning to Delft. I will miss him. He leaves a wonderful family and legacy.

        Ken - Adelaide, South Australia
        13 oktober 2020

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      • A message from Golden, Colorado
        reactie 62   |   niet OK
        Sestri Levante, Italy. San Diego, USA. Colorado, USA. Delft, NL. Many great meetings, many beers and lots of laughs. It is fair to say that without John's help I would not have my current career. I can vividly remember walking through the airport in London on my way to Delft and I saw a bottle of Laphroaig in duty free. "I wonder if John would like that", I thought. I bought it, gave it to him, and asked if I could steal his experiment. The rest is history.

        Vaarwel John, en nogmaals bedankt


        Garry - Boulder, Colorado
        12 oktober 2020

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      • 3 x 50 jaar IRI / RID / TU Delft / vreindschap
        reactie 61   |   niet OK

        Marinus - Delft
        12 oktober 2020

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