Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

John Warman

      John passed away peacefully in the early morning of the 7th of October 2020.
      The family has now buried his ashes in Jaffa Cemetery in Delft, the city that was our home for 50 years. The cemetery is near to the university institute that played such an important role in John’s life. This website serves as a place to come together and remember his life by sharing thoughts, memories, images and music.

      For those of you who are seeing this website for the first time, and/or who do not read Dutch, here are a few tips for exploring it. Under ‘reacties’ you will find notices posted by the family plus messages of remembrance and condolence. Scroll to the bottom for the page numbers. Page 4 contains Peter’s initial announcement of John’s death plus Marilyn’s account of his final year. Page 3 includes the slide show Peter and Andrea presented at John’s 65th birthday, entitled ‘What does your daddy do?’. And on page 8 you will find the presentation John himself gave at his 80th birthday party: 55 slides that tell his life story.

      If you wish to post a message yourself, click on the green box ‘woorden’.

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      • Letter to all family, friends and colleagues
        reactie 40   |   niet OK
        Dear family, friends and colleagues of John,

        It is time to say goodbye to John. He passed away peacefully in the early morning of Wednesday the 7th of October in Amsterdam and will be cremated on Monday 12th of October close to Delft.
        He will find his final place of rest close to the university in Delft, where he devoted his life to science, friends and family.

        On Monday afternoon, we will pay tribute to John’s life in a small setting with only direct family present. Unfortunately, current circumstances do not allow for a larger service. For now, this online destination serves as a place to come together and remember his life and recent heroic fight by sharing thoughts, memories, images and music: https://www.memori.nl/john-warman. As many of you will remember, John gave a huge party on his 80th birthday. Being a true performer, he presented his own life story in over fifty slides filled with photos and stories. You can find it as one of the first posts on the website.

        John’s fall on Sunday the 4th of October was an awful twist of fate and a complete shock to everyone. He deserved to enjoy more of the light that was appearing at the end of the tunnel: his heroic five-month fight towards recovery. The fight against infections and ultimately a rare auto-immune disease cost him a leg but he simply refused to give up more than that. His mental strength was, and remains, incredible.

        We feel blessed that the past months have given our family a lot of quality time together. We shared memories, stories behind weird and fun memorabilia, our worries, our hopes and our best jokes. We worked together towards a move to the Amsterdam area following 50 years of living at the Menno ter Braaklaan in Delft. A move that was planned on the exact date that he fell. The days between his fall and passing away gave us the opportunity to prepare for the unavoidable, say goodbye and be with him when he said his final farewell. The care and love that John received from everyone around him over the past months give us a lot of comfort and hope. Most probably over a hundred medical staff of all sorts were involved during his recovery and final days. We will never forget them. John enjoyed meeting people and he definitely got his money worth in that respect. He was far from alone.

        We will all remember John for the rest of our lives and hope to adopt part of his mental strength, positivity and humor that he has shown us and the world.
        John summarized it in his final message that he sent just hours before his fall: “Take it Easy. Love, J.”

        Kind regards,

        Peter Warman, also on behalf of Marilyn, Andrea, Eva, Sophie, Ruby & Danie.

        • Address family service: Crematorium Hofwijk, Delftweg 230, 3046 ND, Rotterdam
        • Marilyn’s new address: Laan van de Helende Meesters 54, 1186 AM, Amstelveen
        • Final resting place: Begraafplaats Jaffa, Jaffalaan 10, 2628 BX, Delft

        Warman - Amsterdam
        11 oktober 2020

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      • Persoonlijke reactie...
        reactie 39   |   niet OK
        I considered John as my mentor and scientific “father” since 1998 when Laurens Siebbeles and I received the NWO grant. This grant allowed me to spend one year in John’s group in Delft. In those days Delft group looks like a big united family and certainly John was the father. He managed to discuss with every family member his or her scientific activity and to give an inspiring advice about research. This has been done at the group meeting and sometimes in the IRI bar on Friday evening. The bar also served as a place where John also gave his advice concerning the solution of the so-called “life problems” which always arise in the life of young people. I believe that both science mentoring and “life management” were the important and unique foundation of John’s leadership. Using this approach John successfully took care of his scientific kids. What a pleasure it was to discuss with him science, to benefit from his knowledge and to enjoy his humor and warm personality.
        I believe that I am a happy person to meet you John, an incredible scientist, a wise mentor, and a great human being. I will miss you, man, so much.

        Yuri Berlin

        Yuri - Winnetka
        11 oktober 2020

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      • Foto
        reactie 38   |   niet OK

        Lieve familie Warman, Veel sterkte en kracht in deze moeilijke tijd! Koester jullie mooie herinneringen. Denk aan jullie 🧡
        veel liefs uit Madrid. Xx Barbara

        Barbara - Madrid
        11 oktober 2020

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      • When autumn leaves fall.........................
        reactie 37   |   niet OK

        Dit lied zongen John en ik altijd mee tijdens de Jazzdagen in Delft. I miss you John!

        Hetty - Rijswijk
        10 oktober 2020

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      • Lieve John
        reactie 36   |   niet OK
        De liefdevolle gedachte aan de vele Oud & Nieuw feestjes op de Menno, de vele gekeken voetbalwedstrijden (bij voorkeur NL-EN) en de gehavende thuiskomst van een bezoekje Jazzfestival zullen mij altijd bijblijven.
        Het was goed om te zien hoe je genoot van het vieren van je 80ste verjaardag temidden van zo veel vrienden en familie.
        Dank voor alle mooie herinneringen!
        You will be missed, X Marco

        Marco - Delft
        10 oktober 2020

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      • Dear John
        reactie 35   |   niet OK
        It’s taken me a couple of days to figure out how to write this... My dear colleague and mentor John was one of those truly special people who really cared. He was an incredibly bright light that was not easy to ignore and that is why I - and so many others - are in so much pain today. If you had the good fortune to know John - or to have ever crossed his path - you would be in his spell of brightness, humor and kindness that is so rare in the academic world.
        Rest now old friend. See you in the sweet bye and bye.

        Ruben - Den Haag
        10 oktober 2020

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      • Dear John
        reactie 34   |   niet OK
        Lieve John,
        Nog niet zo heel lang geleden zei mijn moeder tegen me "ik ben de ouders van Peter in de bioscoop tegengekomen, wat een lieve mensen zijn dat toch". En wat een fijne woorden om nu aan terug te denken. We hebben elkaar lang niet gezien maar ik denk dezer dagen toch met name terug aan de Oud en Nieuw avonden aan de Menno. Onvergetelijk, dank daarvoor! Ik zal maandag hier in Madrid een koud biertje op je nemen, zoals je dat zo kenmerkend deed op 1 van je laatste foto's met Peter en Danie. Het ga je goed, Arjan

        Arjan - Madrid
        10 oktober 2020

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      • Vri endschap
        reactie 33   |   niet OK
        Het noodlot heeft op slinkse wijze John van ons weggenomen. Net op de drempel van genezing na een langdurige periode van moedig vechten voor zijn leven. We zullen het verder moeten doen met het forse monument aan publicaties en resultaten dat hij heeft nagelaten en de herinnering aan zijn positieve optimistische levensstijl. Laten we blijven toepassen wat hij ons geleerd heeft. Zo blijft blijft hij een vriend en compagnon voor het leven.
        Lee Luthjens

        Leonard - Den Haag
        10 oktober 2020

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      • Sterkte familie Warman
        reactie 32   |   niet OK

        Wij wensen Marilyn, Andrea, Peter en de kleinkinderen Ruby, Danie & Sophie veel sterkte! We missen je ontzettend John. Jana & Anatol Vasiljev

        Anatol & Jana - Delft
        10 oktober 2020

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      • Dankjewel John
        reactie 31   |   niet OK
        Een en al mooie herinneringen heb ik aan John in de tijd dat ik op het IRI van 1990-1994 als AIO heb mogen werken. Heel veel geleerd, trots op de artikelen die we hebben geschreven, samen congressen bezocht en veel gelachen onder het genot van vlammetjes en bier. Het was fijn je 80-ste verjaardag mee te vieren.
        Marilyn en familie, veel sterkte met het verlies van dit prachtmens.

        Leo - Arnhem
        10 oktober 2020

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